1/5 of the world's children live in a conflict zone.

War Child works towards a world where no child is impacted by war.

So we created

to free children from the fear of war and violence.

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”

– F. Rogers

0 +
years of programming in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
0 %
of support is locally led
0 Million
children and families supported annually
$ 0
= Learning Materials (bag, notebooks, pens and pencils) for 1 child
$ 0
= 1 desk supporting three children
$ 0
= Classroom Materials (whiteboard, markers, carpet) benefitting 40 children

How To Join

It is simple to join the team!
Just set up your campaign,
use the assets provided to set up your stream,
and let everyone know what a rockstar you are!


Follow the link to create your own Play to Free campaign on Tiltify!


Download the Play to Free toolkit to set up your stream, and share your chosen Play Date with your community so they know how to support you!


Time to go live and just play and have fun!

Toolkit Elements

Show your support on your socials and your livestreams!


Our Partners in Play


Earn prizes while you fundraise!

A small thank you for playing with us.

Free children from the fear of war and violence. Sign up to create your own campaign and start fundraising!






Click on either button below to donate!